Monday, November 22, 2010

Presence of God in the Philippines

November 2010

Susan and I have just returned from a trip to the Philippines. What an amazing time we had. The presence of God was so strong at times I was not able to preach, for me not to be able to preach, well that must be God. We were amazed at how much the Pastors had grown in moving in the Holy Spirit with words of knowledge and gifts of healings and in the area of believing God for their finances. They shared of great financial releases happening in their lives as they applied the principles from the Word of God instead of looking to other means of support. We shared on THE BLESSING in a 1 day conference with some 150 pastors and in all the times we have ministered in the Philippines we have never experienced the level of enthusiasm we encountered. There has truly been a rising of the hunger and thirst for the reality of God with them. What a great pleasure it was to be with Ps Markus and Bambi Huyssen and The Call Worship Centre team, awesome people. We had the privilege of spending time again with Ps Val and Sally, the president of Foursquare Churches in the Philippines, a great man and woman of God.
2 months time and we will be back to be the keynote speakers at South East Luzon District licensing conference with some 250 pastors. What an absolute honour to share with such great men and women of God.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wow, what a week. CoastWIDE associate Pastor, Johan Deysel, had a massive heart attack on Sunday night 29th August. He passed away twice in Emergency yet today (Thursday) he is home, healed, whole and doing well. The strength and will of the Deysel family was truly inspiring to see, from Johan himself, to Natasha, Liesel and Tiaan. never willing to give in but to stand and fight. CoastWIDE Church rose up to the occasion with constant prayer and faith in a loving and powerful God. How much does God love us and constantly watch out for us? At the Wednesday night prayer prior to all this happening there was a Word of Knowledge given that someone in the church had a heart condition, we all prayed and released our faith together and believed for that person. On the Sunday Johan had the heart attack, he for the first time saw an advertisment on TV showing the need to act quickly if anyone had symptoms of a heart attack. That night he had the same symptoms from the advert and had Natasha immediately phone for an ambulance, a life saving decision. God knew what was happening but had already made to way open for his complete recovery. God knows what is happening in our lives, past, prersent and future and we need to allow Him to lead and guide us so we shall live and not die to proclaim the gospel. Pastor Shayne

Monday, June 21, 2010

Joined to Him

1 Corinthians 6 : 17. "But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him." Often we fail to fully comprehend what happened to us at the New Birth. We become joined to the Lord. We become one with Him. When coffee and water become joined in a coffee pot it becomes a new substance that had not been before. This new substance can not be separated as it has joined together. when we become joined to the Lord we become a new substance, one that ha not existed before. Called a new creation in Christ, filled with the life of God. Now thinking His thoughts, acting in line with His ways, allowing His character to develop out character. Now when people look at us they should see Jesus Christ in us. That's being joined to the Lord.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Openess for God

Having just returned from another successful trip into the Philippines, I am overwhelmed by openness and hunger Pastors and Leaders are for the things of God. When I find a couple who have travelled 5 hours by bus (one way) to attend a 3 hour seminar, I become so humbled before God. Would I travel 5 hours in a public transport bus in the Philippines to listen to me? Thank God they did not come to listen to me but Jesus Christ in me. That is where I have found the greatest key. To be aware of Christ in me. I can then feel confident that someone travelling so far will not be disappointed. How far have you gone lately in your desire and hunger for the things of God? May not be in physical distance by bus or car, maybe you need to go the distance by simply going into your room and closing the door and spend some quality time with the Father. Ps Shayne

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday 28th April

What an amazing day Sunday 28th April was. people coming to church hungry for God. Leaving church filled and satisfied that God is real and He is in love with each one individually. What great testimonies we are hearing almost daily of God transforming lives through His vistation with people, the provision of God being seen in abundant ways and others simply falling in love with Him all over again. This is truly a new day for the church, to rise up and press in further than we have ever done before. Just on the other side of our pressing into God is the Glory and presence of God. In that presence is healing, provison and power that we have longed for. it is is now within reach for everyone of us. All of this is only ever attined as we continue to walk in love and forgiveness. Psator Shayne.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Press into the Call.

Philippians 3 : 1 _ 15.

Paul understood that he was not in the place where he could be in Christ, he pressed on (maximum, sustainable effort) so that he could lay hold of what Jesus had laid hold of him for. What has Jesus laid hold of you for? Not just to be Mr & Mrs Average, but to be Mr & Mrs Extraordinary, living out of the fulness of THE BLESSING of Christ, your needs met, power of God in you, love of God flowing through every fibre of your being. Paul refused to allow his past, good or bad, to stop him. he continued to press on. Are you forgetting the past and pressing? Jesus has an awesome future for you. Love Shayne